About the Muser

Hi! My name is Jessica and I am a muser. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary defines “to muse” thus: “to become absorbed in thought; especially: to turn something over in the mind meditatively and often inconclusively.” That’s me!

An American-born child of Colombian parents, I grew up in a bilingual household and writing stories in both of my native languages was one of my favorite childhood activities. Before adolescence, I learned to speak and write in a third language. It was at a very young age that I remember feeling for the first time the power of writing fiction. I thought, “Wow. I have ultimate power in this world that I create. Whatever I say is, is.”

Over time, I lost the habit of creative writing due to new responsibilities and a different focus. After obtaining a master’s degree in social sciences from the University of Chicago at age 23, I embarked on a journey to find my purpose in life. Throughout the years, this journey has taken me on many adventures on every continent but one so far. I have worked in archaeology, as adjunct faculty in three subjects here and abroad, for the passing of the Tour de France in a French city hall, as a violinist and domrist in symphony orchestras and world music ensembles, and in the behind-the-scenes world of criminal justice and investigations through my freelance work as an interpreter-translator with the police and court system, as well as for the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair. I have had a very wonderful life.

Now, as an adult, I return to my love of writing fiction and poetry, but this time with a renewed sense of purpose beyond creating for creating’s sake. To me, fiction is the ideal vehicle for transmitting lasting impressions and insights about life. Poetry is life itself. It is what feelings are made of.

For a long time, the reason for my all-over-the-map professional life eluded me. Now I realize that for a writer, a thinker, and a teacher, every experience is research, background, and inspiration for our work. My varied life has been and will continue to be the muse behind the musings. I hope you enjoy!